2023 Staff Picks! The Main Attraction is Alise
Kombrinck's pick Top Secret!. Kelley reviews The
Apology for Straight-to-Video Russian Roulette.
Brought to you ad-free by the Legion of Demons at
patreon.com/notlp. Join the Legion to get more stuff at
patreon.com/notlp! Our Beelzebub tier producers are:
2023 Staff Picks! The Main Attraction is Amy's pick
Encino Man. Freddy reviews The Pale Blue Eye
for Straight-to-Video Russian Roulette.
Brought to you ad-free by the Legion of Demons at
patreon.com/notlp. Join the Legion to get more stuff at
patreon.com/notlp! Our Beelzebub tier producers are:
2023 Staff Picks! The Main Attraction is Freddy's
pick The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th
Dimension. Amy reviews Burial for
Straight-to-Video Russian Roulette.
Brought to you ad-free by the Legion of Demons at
patreon.com/notlp. Join the Legion to get more stuff at
patreon.com/notlp! Our Beelzebub tier...
2023 Staff Picks! The Main Attraction is Andy's
pick Pride. Freddy reviews Significant
Other for Straight-to-Video Russian Roulette.
Brought to you ad-free by the Legion of Demons at
patreon.com/notlp. Join the Legion to get more stuff at
patreon.com/notlp! Our Beelzebub tier producers are:
2023 Staff Picks! The Main Attraction is Kelley's
pick Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Andy reviews My
Best Friend's Exorcism for Straight-to-Video Russian
Brought to you ad-free by the Legion of Demons at
patreon.com/notlp. Join the Legion to get more stuff at
patreon.com/notlp! Our Beelzebub tier...
One of the original horror podcasts. A weekly roundtable featuring the segments "Straight-to-Video Russian Roulette" and "The Main Attraction."
For more, visit NOTLP.com!