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Join the Legion!
The Spinoffs!



Oct 24, 2018

An interview with Jessica Dwyer and Robin Block, the producers of the upcoming documentary In Search of Darkness: A Journey Into 80's Horror Films

Our Beelzebub members are Albert Schroter, Tree & Alex McNulty, Mandi Arthur, Brandon Boone, Bill Fahrner, Blake Heath, Mark Watts, Cassie & Jeremy Burmeister, Alise Wallis, Amanda James, Ernest Perez, Brook Anderson, Zachary Sugawara, Dale Roberson, Brian Jackson and Deon Buys. This podcast is only possible because of their and our other members’ generous support. You can join them and enjoy all of our exclusive content at

“Monster Movies (with My Friends)” was written and performed by Kelley Kombrinck. It was recorded and mixed by Freddy Morris.